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Thursday, November 10, 2016

How To Avoid Red Flags With Your Payment Processor

100% Acceptance!

Plus, $1,000 if We Can't Meet or Beat Your Best Merchant Account Deal!

If your business is not yet accepting credit cards, now you can. Easily and with 100% acceptance! Now accept credit cards on your website, over the phone, and in your store!

The one thing we all want to avoid is for our business to come to sudden halt because of a glitch in our payment processing.  Having your account limited, frozen or possibly closed can put any small business at risk of losing sales and possibly the shutting of its doors.

Most believe this happens with PayPal only, but the truth is that it can happen with any payment processor and not just PayPal.  All payment processors monitor accounts for suspicious activity and there are certain red flags that will trigger the possibility of limited, frozen and the closing of your account.

The best way of course not to have a problem is to avoid raising these red flags and to have another payment processor that you are using to avoid a complete shutdown of your operations just in case it should happen.

Take a few moments here to understand and then be knowledgeable enough to know how to avoid the possibility of problems with each of your payment processors. You should also know the difference between a merchant account and one such as PayPal.

Image result for credit card payment processor
Source Google

When you sign up with a payment processor like PayPal, you are put into a ...



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Advantage To having More Than One Payment Processor

100% Acceptance!

Plus, $1,000 if We Can't Meet or Beat Your Best Merchant Account Deal!

If your business is not yet accepting credit cards, now you can. Easily and with 100% acceptance! Now accept credit cards on your website, over the phone, and in your store!

Great if you already accept PayPal and or Payza as a payment method to offer to your customers.  But as diversifying is important to having different streams of income coming into your business, so is diversifying how you accept payments for your goods.

It is a matter of protecting your business should one account be frozen, which can happen to the best of us.  If you have more than one payment processor, you can then divide up the collected funds as payments are collected for your goods or services. Then if one account is frozen, you can still access the other.

Having a backup account makes sense when your business relies on sales on the internet. If one provider halts processing, if there is a glitch or if funds are frozen, then your business can keep moving until the other is resolved. Without a backup and if there is a problem, your business may not survive a shut down.

With the The ICAN GoMerchant™ Merchant Account service the process is easy and fast! It is the most affordable way to start accepting payments from your customers and clients.

Image result for credit card payment processor

Here’s how it works;


We can set your business up with Loyalty and Gift Cards!

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